Why Almonds Are So Good For Blood Sugar Levels?

Resist Nutrition Bars Ingredient Almonds For Lowering Blood Sugar Levels, brain food vitamin e

In the quest for better health and well-being, nature often provides us with hidden treasures, and among them, almonds stand tall as a true nutritional powerhouse. Beyond being a delicious and versatile snack, these small wonders boast a huge amount of health benefits that make them a must-have in any well-balanced diet.

What are the benefits of Almonds?

Almonds are packed with goodness that can do wonders for your well-being. For starters, almonds are low in carbs and high in protein and fiber, which both increase feelings of satiety and reduce hunger (Tan 2013Jaceldo-Siegl 2014). Additionally, your body does not absorb about 10–15% of the calories in nuts because some of the fat is inaccessible to digestive enzymes (Mattes 2010Ellis 2004). Some evidence even suggests that eating nuts can boost metabolism and weight loss (Wein 2003Abazarfard 2014). 

Almonds are very high in magnesium, a mineral involved in over 300 bodily processes, including blood sugar control (Ryan 1991). Many people don't get enough magnesium, especially those with those with metabolic syndromes and type 2 Diabetes (25-38% of people with type 2 diabetes are deficient). Correcting the deficiency significantly lowers blood sugar levels, increases metabolic control, and improves insulin function in people with type 2 Diabetes (Lima 1998, Rodríguez-Morán 2003, Guerrero-Romero 2011). Correcting a magnesium deficiency also can lead to reductions in blood pressure (Guerrero-Romero 2009, Lee 2009).

Also, people without diabetes see major reductions in insulin resistance when supplementing with magnesium (Mooren 2011, Guerrero-Romero 2004). 

One study found that almonds may reduce the glycemic impact of carbohydrate foods that they are eaten with (Josse 2007), and another study found that they helped decrease postprandial glycemia along with insulinemia (Jenkins 2006).

A 2010 study found that eating almonds may help increase insulin sensitivity in people with prediabetes (Wein 2010).

Almonds are one of the best sources of vitamin E, which many studies have linked to lower rates of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease (Stampfer 1993, Knekt 1994, Heinonen 1998, Bostick 1993, Sano 1997).

Vitamin E is considered a brain nutrient due its ability to reduce both the speed of cognitive aging and the risk of cognitive decline, while increasing the levels of memory recall and spatial awareness (Ortega 2002, Morris 2002, Mangialasche 2012).

Almonds are a great source of the monounsaturated fats, nicknamed “good fats” that are associated with lowering the risk of heart disease. One study found that while nuts may protect both vegetarians and non-vegetarians from ischemic heart disease (IHD), they also may increase longevity (Sabate 1999). 

Due to their high monosaturated fatty acid (MUFA) content, almonds may also lower cholesterol levels (Spiller 1992, Ahuja 2003). One study found that not only did almonds lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, but participants also saw reduced abdominal fat and leg fat (Berryman 2015).