Plastic — The Enemy to Our Health, the Economy, and Our Wallets


New Studies Linking Sugar Free to Weight Gain


High Protein Chocolate Zucchini Loaf

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Understanding Blood Sugar Spikes After Exercise

Have you ever noticed your blood sugar levels rising after a workout? It's a common occurrence, and understanding why it happens is essential for managing your overall health and fitness. Let's delve into the reasons...

Can Blood Sugar Levels Affect Your Mood?

Blood sugar, or glucose, is a vital component of our body's energy system. Beyond its role in providing fuel for our cells, emerging research suggests a fascinating connection between blood sugar levels and mood regulation....

Can Fiber Fix Constipation? The Science Behind Fiber

Are you constipated? We get it - it can be uncomfortable and frustrating. If you experience infrequent bowel movements or hard, difficult-to-pass stools, you're not alone! The good news is that there's a simple and natural...

The Hidden Truth Behind Fiber Bars: Are They Really Healthy?

With so many high fiber bar options on the market, finding a snack that is both delicious and nutritious can be a challenge. While a claim of "good source of fiber" can seem like a...

Nutrient-Packed Peanut Butter and Jam Recipe You Need!

This low carb, high protein homemade take on a PB & J will have you absolutely hooked! This is such a great dish with breakfast or a perfect afternoon snack!    What you'll need:  -...

Does Monk Fruit Spike Blood Sugar?

In today's world, finding alternative sweeteners that can satisfy our sweet tooth without wreaking havoc on our blood sugar levels is a constant quest. One sweetener that has gained popularity in recent years is monk fruit....

The Most Important Factor for Hormone Health: Fragrance-Free Products

When it comes to maintaining optimal hormone health, the choices we make in our daily lives can have a significant impact. From the food we eat to the products we use, every decision matters. One...

Maximize Mindfulness this holiday season

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, it can also be a time of stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion. With all the shopping, cooking, and socializing, it's easy to get caught...

The Dangers of Caffeine on an Empty Stomach

Do you start your day with a cup of coffee or tea on an empty stomach? While it may seem like a harmless habit, it could be negatively impacting your hormone health. In this blog...